
1. Intro
2. You and Whose Army
3. National Anthem
4. 2+2=5
5. Open Pick (New Track)
6. 15 Step (New Track)
7. Exit Music (For a Film)
8. Kid A
9. Nude (New Track)
10. Arpeggi (New Track)
11. Street Spirit
12. Pyramid Song
13. Myxomatosis
14. House of Cards (New Track)
15. Spooks (New Track)
16. Idioteque
17. Bangers N Mash (New Track)
18. There There
19. Airbag
20. No Surprises
21. Bodysnatchers (New Track)
22. Everything in Its Right Place
23. 4 Minute Warning (New Track)
24. Karma Police
And now a post head chuckle - SNAKES ON A PLANE + BONO STYLE!!
And here is another AudioBlog worth checking - Badminton Stamps 2 heads one from NYC and one from here in Philly - see we can get along, just not at sporting events. Next time some more local music and an April Fools joke 2 months too late.
Less than a week till Bonnaroo!
Hey, I'll be at Bonnaroo too! I can't wait; It will be amazing.
For some reason I can't download the files in this post? Help?
links should work now - word had it that EZArchive was down for a tick.
yeah, Bonnaroo will be n-v-t-s.
I'll be doing a pre show post next week so check back.
and thanks for letting me know about the DL issue.
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